
about rrarre

What is rrarre?

rrarre is a purpose-driven group of enterprises in the making. Our work centers around improving capabilities and awareness within:

  • workplace culture and practices
  • leadership and governance
  • enterprise building 

Why does rrarre exist?

We want to have a significant long term impact on how we humans behave on this planet – between each other and towards our precious biosphere.

rrarre’s mission is to create exceptional conditions for self-development in work life, thus facilitating individual maturity and awareness. 

Our raison d’être is derived from a conviction that increased personal and collective awareness, and a range of other inner qualities, generates wiser responses to the immense predicaments that humanity and the biosphere are facing. We believe that work life and organizations offer the best potential for supporting self-development at scale, given that the right conditions can be created.

What we do

We organize business activities around a developmental framework that allows us to serve our purpose. 

We co-create and collaborate with like-minded people and organizations to create, deliver, and cultivate profitable services and products. We operate in markets in which our developmental framework comes to life, and generates competitive advantages.

Three paths of value creation are being explored – building our own enterprises, offering advisory services centered around our framework and linking our framework to investment opportunities.

Our developmental framework

rrarre’s developmental framework is designed to serve our purpose. It evolves around our core beliefs, an espoused culture, an intentional structure and a select set of methods and tools that we apply in our work. In our daily work practices, we are guided by our rules of thumb.

In essence our culture favours self leadership, democratic principles and fair distribution of returns. Our framework makes sure we continuously challenge ourselves and learn and develop from our evolving practice. Over time the framework is continuously improved in relation to our purpose and scaled responsibly.

‍We invite you to co-create rrarre with us!

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